Edtech Europe Tour
May-July 2017
On the road again
Learning from Best Practices Around Europe in Education Innovation
After finishing a first tour, the Edtech World Tour, I want to continue our mission to contribute to the development of a thoughtful and intelligent usage of educational technologies by sharing best practices from around Europe as well as the vision and efforts that are deployed in various European hubs. There's a need to understand how Edtech is adopted in a given region in regards to the local context and how it can scale.
Read more about the why here.
The #EdtechEuropeTour is an initiative promoting European perspectives on Edtech fuelled by country insights, bringing together major sectorial stakeholders beyond functional and geographical boundaries and learning from best practices in education innovation. It will map various European Edtech clusters and create resources (articles and a book) for a refined understanding of the global ecosystem.
Svenia Busson is an entrepreneur and explorer in the Education Innovation field. Two years ago she co-founded the Edtech Tours to explore booming Edtech ecosystems worldwide. She now wants to focus on the diversity of European Edtech with this new regional tour. She is also the founder LearnSpace, an Education Innovation Hub in France, where she wants to support changemaking projects and people. Svenia studied both political science at the Freie Universität Berlin and management at HEC Paris.
Ping me if you are in any of these countries!
Until May 8th 2017
May 8th - 14th
May 15th - 24th
May 25th - June 1st
June 1st - June 8th
June 8th - June 16th
June 19th - June 24th
June 25th - July 3rd
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